
Nonconformist out of Caulfield Cup

Nonconformist has been withdrawn from the Caulfield Cup.

NONCONFORMIST. Picture: Racing Photos

Trainer Grahame Begg has been denied a start in a feature Cup race for a second time with Nonconformist being scratched from the Caulfield Cup

Nonconformist presented with lameness in his right-hind leg on Thursday and was re-inspected by Racing Victoria vets on Friday before being withdrawn 2.53pm on veterinary grounds. 

The scratching of Nonconformist paves the way for solitary emergency United Nations to gain a start in Saturday's Group 1 Handicap over 2400m. 

Last year Begg was forced to withdraw Lunar Flare from the Melbourne Cup after the mare was deemed lame in a pre-race Racing Victoria veterinary examination. 

Fellow Caulfield Cup contender Without A Fight, who was also under a lameness cloud following his inspection on Thursday, was given the all-clear to start following a second check on Friday. 

International runners Breakup, West Wind Blows, Okita Soushi and Valiant King were all given the all-clear to run earlier on Friday.