Sectional Times of MATAMATA - Sunday, 27th August 2023
Race | Pos | Horse | 800m | 600m | 400m | 200m |
R3 | 1st | TEARS OF VICTORY T : STEPHEN AUTRIDGE J : MARIA SANSON | 0:48.48 0:48.48 - | 0:36.90 0:36.90 3rd 22nd | 0:24.38 0:24.38 3rd 22nd | 0:12.22 0:12.22 3rd 1st |
R8 | 3rd | IN THE LOOP T : MARK BROOKS J : TRUDY THORNTON | 0:48.83 0:48.83 8th 32nd | 0:36.93 0:36.93 8th 25th | 0:24.47 0:24.47 6th 28th | 0:12.22 0:12.22 5th 2nd |
R7 | 2nd | FLIGHT PLAN T : GAVIN OPIE J : JOE KAMARUDDIN | 0:47.87 0:47.87 4th 12th | 0:36.07 0:36.07 3rd 4th | 0:24.17 0:24.17 2nd 11th | 0:12.23 0:12.23 2nd 3rd |
R5 | 2nd | BILLY PEACH T : DENISE VENN J : JASMINE FAWCETT | 0:48.44 0:48.44 10th 19th | 0:36.34 0:36.34 10th 11th | 0:24.13 0:24.13 10th 6th | 0:12.26 0:12.26 5th 4th |
R7 | 1st | PRISMATIC T : MARK WALKER & SAM BERGERSON J : NIRANJAN PARMAR | 0:47.58 0:47.58 5th 9th | 0:35.71 0:35.71 5th 1st | 0:23.91 0:23.91 4th 2nd | 0:12.30 0:12.30 1st 5th |
R2 | 2nd | FULL MOON FEVER T : TONY PIKE J : KOZZI ASANO | 0:47.03 0:47.03 6th 3rd | 0:36.22 0:36.22 7th 6th | 0:24.23 0:24.23 5th 14th | 0:12.31 0:12.31 10th 6th |
R3 | 9th | ROC ANTHEM T : IAN GEORGE J : TRISTON MOODLEY | 0:48.17 0:48.17 - | 0:36.84 0:36.84 13th 20th | 0:24.39 0:24.39 12th 23rd | 0:12.33 0:12.33 10th 7th |
R6 | 1st | MALBOROUGH BAY T : MARK WALKER & SAM BERGERSON J : NIRANJAN PARMAR | 0:47.91 0:47.91 4th 13th | 0:35.84 0:35.84 3rd 2nd | 0:23.73 0:23.73 2nd 1st | 0:12.36 0:12.36 1st 8th |
R1 | 4th | KEEPZ OCCURRING T : VANESSA HILLIS J : BRIDGET GRYLLS | 0:49.95 0:49.95 7th 54th | 0:36.98 0:36.98 7th 26th | 0:24.27 0:24.27 6th 17th | 0:12.37 0:12.37 7th 9th |
R8 | 2nd | BRECKON POWER T : DARRYN & BRIAR WEATHERLEY J : SAM WEATHERLEY | 0:48.94 0:48.94 7th 36th | 0:36.98 0:36.98 7th 28th | 0:24.41 0:24.41 5th 24th | 0:12.37 0:12.37 2nd 10th |
R3 | 4th | PERICLES T : MICHAEL MORONEY & PAM GERARD J : KOZZI ASANO | 0:48.57 0:48.57 - | 0:37.01 0:37.01 4th 30th | 0:24.53 0:24.53 4th 31st | 0:12.38 0:12.38 5th 11th |
R3 | 6th | BOCOTE T : CODY COLE J : SAMANTHA COLLETT | 0:48.29 0:48.29 - | 0:37.06 0:37.06 6th 36th | 0:24.54 0:24.54 6th 32nd | 0:12.39 0:12.39 6th 12th |
R8 | 5th | MEANDEEL T : KEN HARRISON J : SAMANTHA COLLETT | 0:49.24 0:49.24 6th 41st | 0:37.36 0:37.36 5th 50th | 0:24.86 0:24.86 4th 49th | 0:12.39 0:12.39 6th 13th |
R1 | 1st | BULLEEZE ONE T : RALPH MANNING J : TEGAN NEWMAN | 0:50.26 0:50.26 1st 63rd | 0:37.25 0:37.25 1st 43rd | 0:24.26 0:24.26 2nd 16th | 0:12.41 0:12.41 1st 14th |
R1 | 2nd | PREFERENTIAL T : TONY PIKE J : VINNIE COLGAN | 0:49.98 0:49.98 4th 56th | 0:37.04 0:37.04 4th 32nd | 0:24.14 0:24.14 3rd 7th | 0:12.41 0:12.41 2nd 15th |
R3 | 7th | CARTER RUSSELL T : JANENNE DALLEY J : TEGAN NEWMAN | 0:48.63 0:48.63 - | 0:37.26 0:37.26 7th 45th | 0:24.71 0:24.71 7th 40th | 0:12.41 0:12.41 7th 16th |
R3 | 11th | GIGI T : J C PENDER J : TRUDY THORNTON | 0:48.64 0:48.64 - | 0:37.22 0:37.22 10th 41st | 0:24.65 0:24.65 10th 36th | 0:12.42 0:12.42 11th 17th |
R5 | 3rd | RISING RULER T : KURTIS PERTAB J : CRAIG GRYLLS | 0:49.31 0:49.31 4th 42nd | 0:37.13 0:37.13 4th 38th | 0:24.86 0:24.86 4th 48th | 0:12.44 0:12.44 3rd 18th |
R6 | 2nd | MIGHTY CASTLE T : WAYNE LARSEN J : VINNIE COLGAN | 0:48.51 0:48.51 2nd 22nd | 0:36.34 0:36.34 2nd 12th | 0:23.97 0:23.97 3rd 3rd | 0:12.44 0:12.44 3rd 19th |
R3 | 8th | GOLD DIGGER T : STEPHEN RALPH J : NGAKAU HAILEY | 0:48.55 0:48.55 - | 0:37.22 0:37.22 8th 40th | 0:24.69 0:24.69 8th 37th | 0:12.45 0:12.45 8th 20th |
R3 | 10th | METAVERSE T : MARK EVANS J : SAM SPRATT | 0:48.55 0:48.55 - | 0:37.24 0:37.24 9th 42nd | 0:24.65 0:24.65 9th 35th | 0:12.45 0:12.45 9th 21st |
R5 | 1st | AMBERITE T : VICKI PRENDERGAST J : NIRANJAN PARMAR | 0:49.04 0:49.04 2nd 38th | 0:37.00 0:37.00 1st 29th | 0:24.77 0:24.77 1st 42nd | 0:12.45 0:12.45 1st 22nd |
R1 | 11th | UNCLE BRUCE T : RICHARD SHERWIN J : LYNSEY SATHERLEY | 0:50.59 0:50.59 11th 65th | 0:37.70 0:37.70 11th 54th | 0:24.51 0:24.51 11th 29th | 0:12.46 0:12.46 11th 23rd |
R3 | 13th | SUMMIT HEIGHTS T : PHILLIP STEVENS J : CRAIG GRYLLS | 0:37.75 0:37.75 12th 55th | 0:25.14 0:25.14 12th 58th | 0:12.46 0:12.46 13th 24th | |
R1 | 3rd | JUST A KARIN T : ALLAN MORLEY J : SAMANTHA COLLETT | 0:49.62 0:49.62 8th 46th | 0:36.85 0:36.85 8th 21st | 0:24.14 0:24.14 7th 8th | 0:12.47 0:12.47 4th 25th |
R3 | 12th | HAPPIER T : MICHAEL MORONEY & PAM GERARD J : WARREN KENNEDY | 0:48.63 0:48.63 - | 0:37.30 0:37.30 11th 46th | 0:24.69 0:24.69 11th 38th | 0:12.48 0:12.48 12th 26th |
R1 | 5th | NYAH T : DARRYN & BRIAR WEATHERLEY J : SAM WEATHERLEY | 0:50.10 0:50.10 6th 60th | 0:37.21 0:37.21 6th 39th | 0:24.30 0:24.30 5th 18th | 0:12.49 0:12.49 6th 27th |
R1 | 6th | BODACIOUS T : FIONA LYNCH J : YUTO KUMAGAI | 0:49.96 0:49.96 9th 55th | 0:37.05 0:37.05 9th 33rd | 0:24.19 0:24.19 10th 12th | 0:12.55 0:12.55 8th 28th |
R8 | 4th | KAAPTIVATING T : RALPH MANNING J : JASMINE FAWCETT | 0:49.63 0:49.63 3rd 47th | 0:37.49 0:37.49 3rd 52nd | 0:24.91 0:24.91 3rd 51st | 0:12.56 0:12.56 3rd 29th |
R1 | 8th | ASTILLA T : DEBBIE SWEENEY J : MICHAEL MCNAB | 0:49.82 0:49.82 10th 51st | 0:37.05 0:37.05 10th 34th | 0:24.52 0:24.52 8th 30th | 0:12.57 0:12.57 9th 30th |
R3 | 5th | GRAND CRU T : DARREL LANG J : VINNIE COLGAN | 0:48.63 0:48.63 - | 0:37.02 0:37.02 5th 31st | 0:24.55 0:24.55 4th 33rd | 0:12.57 0:12.57 4th 31st |
R5 | 5th | ZEDWILLDO T : MS D KENNEDY J : KOZZI ASANO | 0:49.16 0:49.16 8th 39th | 0:36.90 0:36.90 9th 23rd | 0:24.81 0:24.81 7th 46th | 0:12.59 0:12.59 7th 32nd |
R6 | 4th | SASSYNESS T : ANDREW FORSMAN J : DONOVAN COOPER | 0:48.38 0:48.38 7th 18th | 0:36.25 0:36.25 6th 7th | 0:24.00 0:24.00 5th 5th | 0:12.59 0:12.59 5th 33rd |
R2 | 4th | MOON ROCKET T : MARK WALKER & SAM BERGERSON J : WARREN KENNEDY | 0:46.74 0:46.74 11th 1st | 0:36.01 0:36.01 10th 3rd | 0:24.33 0:24.33 7th 19th | 0:12.62 0:12.62 6th 34th |
R8 | 1st | CON ARTIST T : MICHAEL ROGERS J : SAM SPRATT | 0:49.77 0:49.77 1st 50th | 0:37.53 0:37.53 1st 53rd | 0:24.91 0:24.91 1st 50th | 0:12.62 0:12.62 1st 35th |
R7 | 4th | THE MIGHTY SPAR T : MARK WALKER & SAM BERGERSON J : JESSICA ALLEN | 0:48.22 0:48.22 6th 15th | 0:36.32 0:36.32 6th 10th | 0:24.45 0:24.45 6th 26th | 0:12.64 0:12.64 5th 36th |
R3 | 2nd | VALENTINE T : MARK WALKER & SAM BERGERSON J : NIRANJAN PARMAR | 0:48.91 0:48.91 - | 0:37.42 0:37.42 1st 51st | 0:24.85 0:24.85 1st 47th | 0:12.65 0:12.65 1st 37th |
R1 | 10th | JUNEBERRY T : MAXIM VAN LIERDE J : BAILEY ROGERSON | 0:50.85 0:50.85 5th 69th | 0:37.80 0:37.80 5th 58th | 0:24.71 0:24.71 9th 39th | 0:12.66 0:12.66 10th 38th |
R2 | 3rd | SMASHING SISTER T : DARREL LANG J : VINNIE COLGAN | 0:46.96 0:46.96 9th 2nd | 0:36.31 0:36.31 8th 9th | 0:24.21 0:24.21 9th 13th | 0:12.66 0:12.66 5th 39th |
R7 | 3rd | NARINCE T : CHRIS GIBBS J : SAM SPRATT | 0:48.50 0:48.50 3rd 21st | 0:36.56 0:36.56 4th 15th | 0:24.47 0:24.47 5th 27th | 0:12.66 0:12.66 4th 40th |
R6 | 5th | ANNA GRACE T : DAVID WILSON J : CRAIG GRYLLS | 0:48.26 0:48.26 8th 16th | 0:36.17 0:36.17 8th 5th | 0:23.98 0:23.98 7th 4th | 0:12.68 0:12.68 6th 41st |
R2 | 1st | RED SNIPER T : JIM COLLETT J : SAMANTHA COLLETT | 0:47.53 0:47.53 1st 8th | 0:36.56 0:36.56 2nd 14th | 0:24.44 0:24.44 2nd 25th | 0:12.69 0:12.69 3rd 42nd |
R3 | 3rd | FANCY LIKE T : MICHAEL MORONEY & PAM GERARD J : JOE DOYLE | 0:48.83 0:48.83 - | 0:37.32 0:37.32 2nd 49th | 0:24.81 0:24.81 2nd 45th | 0:12.69 0:12.69 2nd 43rd |
R6 | 3rd | THE LETTER T : MICHAEL ROGERS J : SAM SPRATT | 0:48.91 0:48.91 1st 34th | 0:36.70 0:36.70 1st 18th | 0:24.37 0:24.37 1st 21st | 0:12.72 0:12.72 2nd 44th |
R4 | 3rd | PRINCESS ADDA T : DARRELL HOLLINSHEAD J : NGAKAU HAILEY | 0:49.67 0:49.67 8th 48th | 0:37.77 0:37.77 8th 57th | 0:25.03 0:25.03 7th 54th | 0:12.74 0:12.74 6th 45th |
R6 | 6th | STUFF OF DREAMS T : KURTIS PERTAB J : TEGAN NEWMAN | 0:48.67 0:48.67 5th 30th | 0:36.48 0:36.48 5th 13th | 0:24.15 0:24.15 4th 9th | 0:12.74 0:12.74 4th 46th |
R6 | 7th | MR NICE T : DEBBIE SWEENEY J : NGAKAU HAILEY | 0:49.00 0:49.00 3rd 37th | 0:36.72 0:36.72 4th 19th | 0:24.24 0:24.24 6th 15th | 0:12.75 0:12.75 7th 47th |
R6 | 8th | KORO'S PRINCESS T : GAVIN OPIE J : MASAHIRO HASHIZUME | 0:48.94 0:48.94 6th 35th | 0:36.57 0:36.57 7th 17th | 0:24.15 0:24.15 8th 10th | 0:12.77 0:12.77 8th 48th |
R8 | 7th | RAKAU T : GRANT & TANA SHAW J : NGAKAU HAILEY | 0:49.94 0:49.94 5th 53rd | 0:37.80 0:37.80 6th 60th | 0:25.08 0:25.08 7th 56th | 0:12.83 0:12.83 8th 49th |
R2 | 8th | HIGHGRASS T : GAVIN OPIE J : JASMINE FAWCETT | 0:47.74 0:47.74 2nd 10th | 0:36.93 0:36.93 3rd 24th | 0:24.75 0:24.75 4th 41st | 0:12.88 0:12.88 7th 50th |
R5 | 4th | GIBRALTAR RISING T : GRAEME & DEBBIE ROGERSON J : BAILEY ROGERSON | 0:49.35 0:49.35 6th 44th | 0:37.25 0:37.25 5th 44th | 0:25.06 0:25.06 5th 55th | 0:12.89 0:12.89 2nd 51st |
R1 | 9th | RIDGEVIEW MANDY T : GAVIN OPIE J : JASMINE FAWCETT | 0:50.97 0:50.97 3rd 70th | 0:37.92 0:37.92 3rd 62nd | 0:24.93 0:24.93 4th 52nd | 0:12.90 0:12.90 5th 52nd |
R2 | 6th | TIME IS KING T : MARK WALKER & SAM BERGERSON J : MICHAEL MCNAB | 0:47.46 0:47.46 4th 6th | 0:36.57 0:36.57 6th 16th | 0:24.63 0:24.63 3rd 34th | 0:12.90 0:12.90 4th 53rd |
R2 | 9th | MIDNIGHT MONARCH T : STEPHEN AUTRIDGE J : SAM SPRATT | 0:47.35 0:47.35 10th 5th | 0:36.98 0:36.98 4th 27th | 0:24.78 0:24.78 6th 43rd | 0:12.91 0:12.91 8th 54th |
R5 | 6th | TIMELESS T : STEPHEN RALPH J : WARREN KENNEDY | 0:49.98 0:49.98 3rd 57th | 0:37.80 0:37.80 3rd 59th | 0:25.51 0:25.51 3rd 65th | 0:12.91 0:12.91 4th 55th |
R8 | 8th | PUDDIN 'N PIE T : IAN GEORGE J : JOE KAMARUDDIN | 0:50.05 0:50.05 4th 58th | 0:38.03 0:38.03 4th 64th | 0:25.41 0:25.41 4th 63rd | 0:12.92 0:12.92 7th 56th |
R4 | 2nd | STYLISH RED T : STEPHEN AUTRIDGE J : MARIA SANSON | 0:49.76 0:49.76 7th 49th | 0:37.76 0:37.76 7th 56th | 0:25.14 0:25.14 5th 59th | 0:12.94 0:12.94 5th 57th |
R8 | 6th | SET IN STONE T : GRAEME & DEBBIE ROGERSON J : BAILEY ROGERSON | 0:50.17 0:50.17 2nd 61st | 0:38.13 0:38.13 2nd 66th | 0:25.50 0:25.50 2nd 64th | 0:12.94 0:12.94 4th 58th |
R1 | 7th | UHTRED T : SEAN CAMERON J : CRAIG GRYLLS | 0:51.06 0:51.06 2nd 72nd | 0:38.05 0:38.05 2nd 65th | 0:25.14 0:25.14 1st 57th | 0:12.97 0:12.97 3rd 59th |
R2 | 10th | ENTITLEMENT T : MAXIM VAN LIERDE J : BAILEY ROGERSON | 0:47.83 0:47.83 5th 11th | 0:37.06 0:37.06 5th 35th | 0:24.80 0:24.80 8th 44th | 0:12.99 0:12.99 9th 60th |
R4 | 1st | THERMOREGULATE T : PHILLIP STEVENS J : SAM SPRATT | 0:49.84 0:49.84 4th 52nd | 0:37.84 0:37.84 4th 61st | 0:25.22 0:25.22 4th 60th | 0:13.04 0:13.04 3rd 61st |
R7 | 6th | SO GORGEOUS T : MICHAEL MORONEY & PAM GERARD J : WARREN KENNEDY | 0:49.21 0:49.21 2nd 40th | 0:37.31 0:37.31 2nd 48th | 0:25.24 0:25.24 3rd 61st | 0:13.11 0:13.11 6th 62nd |
R5 | 8th | BALLS OF FIRE T : DEBBIE SWEENEY J : NGAKAU HAILEY | 0:50.09 0:50.09 9th 59th | 0:38.01 0:38.01 7th 63rd | 0:25.76 0:25.76 7th 68th | 0:13.14 0:13.14 8th 63rd |
R2 | 5th | TRURO T : DARRYN & BRIAR WEATHERLEY J : SAM WEATHERLEY | 0:47.47 0:47.47 3rd 7th | 0:37.10 0:37.10 1st 37th | 0:24.96 0:24.96 1st 53rd | 0:13.19 0:13.19 1st 64th |
R2 | 7th | LASHANA T : SHAUN & EMMA CLOTWORTHY J : MASAHIRO HASHIZUME | 0:47.22 0:47.22 8th 4th | 0:36.30 0:36.30 9th 8th | 0:24.36 0:24.36 10th 20th | 0:13.19 0:13.19 2nd 65th |
R7 | 5th | NO AGENDA NIGEL T : STEPHEN RALPH J : MASAHIRO HASHIZUME | 0:49.36 0:49.36 1st 45th | 0:37.30 0:37.30 1st 47th | 0:25.33 0:25.33 1st 62nd | 0:13.24 0:13.24 3rd 66th |
R5 | 9th | SOUND OF SILENCE T : DAVE BLACKIE J : COURTNEY BARNES | 0:50.66 0:50.66 7th 66th | 0:38.34 0:38.34 8th 69th | 0:25.99 0:25.99 9th 71st | 0:13.27 0:13.27 9th 67th |
R4 | 5th | ROZEL T : CLINTON ISDALE J : MICHAEL MCNAB | 0:50.19 0:50.19 5th 62nd | 0:38.19 0:38.19 5th 67th | 0:25.61 0:25.61 3rd 66th | 0:13.29 0:13.29 4th 68th |
R2 | 11th | ROC ON HOME T : ALLAN SMITH J : TRUDY THORNTON | 0:49.35 0:49.35 7th 43rd | 0:38.26 0:38.26 11th 68th | 0:25.92 0:25.92 11th 69th | 0:13.35 0:13.35 11th 69th |
R5 | 7th | SUPER SCHEME T : ERANA SHATTOCK J : JESSICA ALLEN | 0:50.82 0:50.82 1st 68th | 0:38.64 0:38.64 2nd 71st | 0:26.39 0:26.39 2nd 73rd | 0:13.37 0:13.37 6th 70th |
R5 | 10th | STRABANE T : DEBBIE SWEENEY J : JOE DOYLE | 0:51.06 0:51.06 5th 73rd | 0:38.76 0:38.76 6th 73rd | 0:26.39 0:26.39 6th 74th | 0:13.37 0:13.37 10th 71st |
R4 | 7th | SHEEZE A BREEZE T : ALLAN MORLEY J : SAMANTHA COLLETT | 0:50.67 0:50.67 9th 67th | 0:38.67 0:38.67 9th 72nd | 0:25.99 0:25.99 8th 70th | 0:13.50 0:13.50 7th 72nd |
R4 | 4th | BUBALINA T : MICHAEL MORONEY & PAM GERARD J : WARREN KENNEDY | 0:50.31 0:50.31 2nd 64th | 0:38.40 0:38.40 1st 70th | 0:25.74 0:25.74 2nd 67th | 0:13.52 0:13.52 1st 73rd |
R4 | 6th | SUCH IS LIFE T : CODY COLE J : TEGAN NEWMAN | 0:50.97 0:50.97 1st 71st | 0:38.96 0:38.96 2nd 74th | 0:26.34 0:26.34 1st 72nd | 0:14.05 0:14.05 2nd 74th |
R4 | 8th | DAY IN LIEU T : WARREN LUND J : ELEN NICHOLAS | 0:51.90 0:51.90 6th 74th | 0:39.87 0:39.87 6th 75th | 0:27.18 0:27.18 6th 75th | 0:14.12 0:14.12 8th 75th |
R4 | 9th | GLITZABELLA T : ANDREW FORSMAN J : DONOVAN COOPER | 0:53.34 0:53.34 3rd 75th | 0:41.30 0:41.30 3rd 76th | 0:28.14 0:28.14 9th 76th | 0:14.50 0:14.50 9th 76th |